Frequently Asked Question

ElvUI Update tool
Last Updated a year ago

This is a powershell script I have created that performs the following;

  • Download the attached .zip file and extract it and open/run the file file.
  • Checks for 7-Zip is installed. if not, click Ok to install.
  • If 7-Zip detected, update tool will proceed.
  • Update Tool will detect your World of Warcraft installed location. If unable to find, a popup window for you to select your WoW folder.
  • Once WoW folder is set, API connection to TukUi site and variables set to download and extract to your WoW interface\addons folders for both retail and classic.
  • As per TukUI instructions, old Elvui is removed, extracted/installed.
  • You can now open WoW or in already in game, /reload in chat.
  • Install complete.
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